Sunday 7 April 2013


It's a year now since you left us and we still remember how sad we were on the day you left us the great of BONGO MOVIE.


Steven Kanumba was the greatest name in Tanzanian movie known as BONGO MOVIE, he died on April 7, 2012 up to this time its a year.

It was a Friday night when we heard the news that Steven Kanumba has passed away it was difficult for every one to understand this each other thought that was a joke and Saturday morning we revealed thus that was not a joke but rather the true news that he passed away.

It was a big blow for Tanzanian Movie as to loose the one and only one greatest actor as you Steven every one can't believe it has been a year now since you left us. Your family, friends and fans....still mourning your departure...

THE GREAT we remember you every time we watch your movies like DAR TO LAGOS, MOSES, UNCLE JJ and many others .

Even if you were only gone first and all of us we are on the same track but it is so sad that you have gone to soon. All Tanzanian and the world in whole we remember your contribution to the society.

You will be remembered forever Steven The great, gone to soon.. May Allah give you a restful rest, until we meet again...

Give us your comment and feedback if you were among those who were the fans and supporters of KANUMBA THE GREAT and his work back then and tell us which MOVIE of Steven Kanumba touched you the most. 

 actors and actresses at Kanumba's grave for his first Aniversary


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